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A member registered Oct 20, 2018

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No rush.  I've enjoyed what I played.  I look forward to seeing what you add next. 

Thanks for the quick response!

(1 edit)

Excellent fun, thank you.

[slight spolier below] 

But I'm a bit confused.  I bought the game yesterday and played through to what I thought might be the end (cleared the fiery circle location, beating all the enemies there) but then nothing happened.  No prize, no message.  Just an empty altar .   There is one change: the city now gives me the option to leave the island.  The "explore" option is still unavailable, though.  I hesitate to leave in case I've missed something.  Do I need to clear all the locations on the map?


The battles were straightforward but the statues threw me a bit: DELFS, IDIGBO, TITTLE.  Also, the statues don't reveal what the word was if you didn't get it  It was fun to try to guess them all the same.

(1 edit)

There's no way to flag known mines.

There's no indication of how many mines are on a map.

There's no indication of how many mines remain on a map.

There's no shortcut to reveal known safe squares.

There's no first-click protection.  That is, you'll have to restart seven or eight times because your starting click will reveal a mine and end the game.

I do like the background, though.  It's nicely done.  And the forced reliance on memory makes the puzzle interesting.


Also, when in fullscreen mode, clicks aren't registered correctly at the left and right edges of the grid.  That is, if I click near the edge of one square (but still inside the blue square), the game thinks I clicked the next square over.  It's still somehow enjoyable, though.  

Is the cleansing wand broken now?  Tried it several times against a blademaster (7 spikes, 3 regen) and it did nothing.

If an enemy has the spikes buff, and you attack with a weapon that causes both regular damage plus vampirism, the spike buff will damage you twice.  This may be intentional.  It pretty well clobbered me.

Nifty game!

My final move took me from 84 to 106 points.  It could be that the rank is mistakenly calculated on the second-to-last move?

It's a small thing.  The game is excellent fun, well done.